Hallo, welcome to my homepage!
My name is Catarina Berg. I was born,grew up, studied, got married and worked as a librarian in Stockholm, Sweden. Then my husband and I spent two years in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. We were both working, we also made two extended travels around the continent. - We returned to Sweden for a couple of years, but finally landed in Germany (West), where my husband has been professor of philosophy at the Technical University of Munich. - We have a grown-up daughter; she and her husband, who is French, nowadays live in Sweden. We are a truly European family.
Interests? I have had many over the years. I like birding, nowadays it is mostly through the windows, though. - I am a member of a wonderful Pottery-group.- I love reading.- I like my digital camera a lot and take pictures of landscapes with or without ancient ruins (more about that later); of the water, of the sky, of the ground under my feet, etc.
We live at Gauting outside of Munich. The countryside is beautiful: a river valley,woods, lakes, hills, the faraway Alps when the right wind blows. Already the Romans lived here during the time of their Empire. Archaeologists have found one of their settlements, dating from the first centuries A D. They think it may have looked quite like a Wild West town, that is a nice thought. It also agrees with my taste for Archaeology, particularly that of the Roman Empire. Before the Romans, the Celts lived here and before them still older populations whose gravemounds have been found in the woods. It is really "the Old Europe".
About my painting: I started late with it, it came as a surprise to me, a very nice one.Though I took part in a drawing-and-painting-course for a couple of years, I regard myself as substantionally self-taught, especially where computerpainting is concerned. I have been working with Corel Painter 8.
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